Delicious and Healthy Recipes from the World Cuisine

Yams in Igbo Culture

Many cultures celebrate the harvesting of a food crop. Some do it to signify the importance of the crop to their culture, while others do it to pay homage to the gods for giving them a plentiful bounty. The Igbo of southwestern Nigeria is…

Malaysian Pandan Chiffon Cake Recipe

Malaysian pandan chiffon cake is a meeting of two different cultures. Invented in California, a traditional chiffon cake is a very light, moist cake made with vegetable oil instead of butter. Pandan leaves, also called screw pine leaves,…

Igbo Spices

The Igbo -- or Ibo -- is an ethnic group in Southern Nigeria. As the land is quite arid and the temperatures hot, the Igbo rely on spices to preserve and tenderize food, as well as to add variety. Igbo spices include peppers, seeds and bark…

How to Make Kimchi

Making kimchi at home does not require any particular skill, but patience is the secret to recreating the complex, tangy condiment that is consumed with a passion across its native South Korea.While there are hundreds of different types…

Is Corn Fungus Edible?

Corn fungus, also called corn smut, is created by the plant fungus Ustilago maydis. The black grains, which are distortions of normal corn kernels, are edible and considered a gourmet treat by some. Mexican Delicacy…

Delicious Mongolian Beef Recipe

While some Chinese restaurant dishes are notoriously difficult to replicate at home, Mongolian beef is not one of them. The meat dish requires only a tangy brown sauce made from Asian staples, which flavors sliced steak and a few…

Thai Barbeque Ribs Recipe

The best ribs always have lots flavor and fall right off the bone. This recipe for Thai Barbeque Ribs does not disappoint. The ribs are marinated overnight then slow cooked in the oven. After some long over time they are finished off on the…